
Here is a list of the response specification for each data model.

Object Response

Object Response Model
Name Type Description
oid string ZTF Object identifier
ndethist string Number of spatially-coincident detections falling within 1.5 arcsec going back to beginning of survey; only detections that fell on the same field and readout-channel ID where the input candidate was observed are counted. All raw detections down to a photometric S/N of ~ 3 are included.
ncovhist integer Number of times input candidate position fell on any field and readout-channel going back to beginning of survey
mjdstarthist number Earliest Modified Julian date of epoch corresponding to ndethist [days]
mjdendhist number Latest Modified Julian date of epoch corresponding to ndethist [days]
corrected boolean Whether the corrected light curve was computed and can be used
stellar boolean Whether the object is a likely stellar-like source
ndet integer Total number of detections for the object
g_r_max number Difference between the minimum g and r band difference magnitudes ( min(g) - min(r) )
g_r_max_corr number Difference between the minimum g and r band corrected magnitudes ( min(corrected(g)) - min(corrected(r)) )
g_r_mean number Difference between the mean g and r band difference magnitudes ( mean(g) - mean(r) )
g_r_mean_corr number Difference between the mean g and r band corrected magnitudes ( mean(corrected(g)) - mean(corrected(r)) )
firstmjd number First detection’s modified julian date
lastmjd number Last detection’s modified julian date
deltajd number Difference between last and first detection date
meanra number Mean Right Ascension
meandec number Mean Declination
sigmara number Right Ascension standard deviation
sigmadec number Declination standard deviation
class string Highest probability class or according to specified classifier and ranking (Default classifier: lc_classifier, ranking: 1)
classifier string Classifier name.
probability number Highest probability or according to specified classifier and ranking (Default classifier: lc_classifier, ranking: 1)
step_id_corr string CorrectionStep pipeline version.

Detection Response

Detection Response Model
Name Type Description
mjd number Modified julian Date
candid string Alert unique identifier.
fid integer Filter ID (1=g; 2=r; 3=i)
pid integer Processing ID for image
diffmaglim number 5-sigma mag limit in difference image based on PSF-fit photometry [mag]
isdiffpos number 1: candidate is from positive (sci minus ref) subtraction; -1: didate is from negative (ref minus sci) subtraction
nid integer Night ID
ra number Right Ascension of candidate [deg]
dec number Declination of candidate [deg]
magpsf number Magnitude from PSF-fit photometry [mag]
sigmapsf number 1-sigma uncertainty in magap [mag]
magap number Aperture mag using 8 pixel diameter aperture [mag]
sigmagap number 1-sigma uncertainty in magap [mag]
distnr number Distance to nearest source in reference image PSF-catalog within 30 arcsec [pixels]
rb number RealBogus quality score; range is 0 to 1 where closer to 1 is more reliable
rbversion string Version of RealBogus model/classifier used to assign rb quality score
drb number RealBogus quality score from Deep-Learning-based classifier; range is 0 to 1 where closer to 1 is more reliable
drbversion string Version of Deep-Learning-based classifier model used to assign RealBogus (drb) quality score
magapbig number Aperture mag using 18 pixel diameter aperture [mag]
sigmagapbig number 1-sigma uncertainty in magapbig [mag]
rfid number Processing ID for reference image to facilitate archive retrieval
magpsf_corr number Corrected PSF magnitude
sigmapsf_corr number Error of the corrected PSF magnitude assuming no contribution from an extended component
sigmapsf_corr_ext number Error of the corrected PSF magnitude assuming a contribution from an extended component
corrected boolean Whether the corrected photometry was applied
dubious boolean Whether the corrected photometry should be flagged
parent_candid number Parent candid if alert coming from prv_detection (null if no parent)
has_stamp boolean Whether the detection has an associated image stamp triplet (when parent_candid = null)
step_id_corr string Correction step pipeline version

Non-Detection Response

Non-Detection Response Model
Name Type Description
mjd number Observation Julian date at start of exposure [days]
fid integer Filter ID (1=g; 2=r; 3=i)
diffmaglim number 5-sigma mag limit in difference image based on PSF-fit photometry [mag]

Probability Response

Probability Response Model
Name Type Description
classifier_name string Classifier name
classifier_version string Classifier version
class_name string Class
probability number Probability
ranking integer Ranking within the classifier type

Magstats Response

Magstats Response Model
Name Type Description
fid integer Filter ID (1=g; 2=r; 3=i)
stellar boolean Whether the object appears to be unresolved in the given band
corrected boolean Whether the corrected photometry should be used
ndet integer Number of detections in the given band
ndubious integer Number of dubious corrections
dmdt_first number Initial rise estimate, the maximum slope between the first detection and any previous non-detection
dm_first number The magnitude difference used to compute dmdt_first
sigmadm_first number The error of the magnitude difference used to compute dmdt_first
dt_first number The time difference used to compute dmdt_first
magmean number The mean magnitude for the given fid
magmedian number The median magnitude for the given fid
magmax number The max magnitude for the given fid
magmin number The min magnitude for the given fid
magsigma number Magnitude standard deviation for the given fid
maglast number The last magnitude for the given fid
magfirst number The first magnitude for the given fid
magmean_corr number The mean corrected magnitude for the given fid
magmedian_corr number The median corrected magnitude for the given fid
magmax_corr number The max corrected magnitude for the given fid
magmin_corr number The min corrected magnitude for the given fid
magsigma_corr number Corrected magnitude standard deviation for the given fid
maglast_corr number The last corrected magnitude for the given fid
magfirst_corr number The first corrected magnitude for the given fid
firstmjd number The time of the first detection in the given fid
lastmjd number The time of the last detection in the given fid
step_id_corr string Correction step pipeline version